August 29, 2008

Home really is where the heart is...

We did a portrait today for the Heart Gallery of Oregon.
It's been a project that we've been involved in for the last two years, photographing the spirit and personality of children awaiting adoption.
It's such an amazing project and, as photographers, we feel privileged to be involved with it.
we'd love to show you what we did but since these children are protected by the state, it's not a possibility...
I know for me, it reinstates my gratitude and allows me to give back what I've been given.
If you'd like to know more about the project and get involved, please check out their website.

August 26, 2008

Portland really is a bicycle town...

So, the new President of Portland State University, Wim Wiewel, rode his bike into work for his first day, accompanied by our new Mayor-Elect, Sam Adams, and Bulb Studio was there for the excitement!
Actually, we were hired by the university to attend and document the festivities.
But, none the less, we were there and have the photographs to prove it!
It was a great event, especially considering that classes aren't in session for another month.
Lots of staff, teachers, and students were in hand at the reception to welcome him and his lovely wife.
You can check out more about the story at the Portland Tribune's website.